Thursday, November 30, 2006
after all the tests, finally a real blog entry..actually it is not much to update..i am just so lack of inspiration to update any longer, but nevermind. went for facial treatment yesterday, making my face so pain and red..haha, but i still heckcare and walked around the area as if there is nothing wrong with my face..
anyway, a quick posting and i am back to slacking, trying to figure out what is wrong with my computer that it took so long to load up the programs that i want these few days..until now i cant find the answer. just had cost accounting ICA today, and shit it, it is so bloody difficult and i REALLY never study at all..i was reading the notes on the way to school for god's sake... and i left out one lecture notes, hell, i didnt even know that it was tested, but anyway, all the ICAs are over and now i have to concentrate on the business finance project, business law project, ICT project...but thats all for the projects..
i need to start studying for the exams during the holidays, especially i did n0t pay attention during the lectures and failed to do the tutorial questions unless i am the one presenting. for example, like yesterday, i totally forgot that i need to present the business finance tutorial here i went to school, last minute worrying about the answer that i have obtained, but thank god that it was correct..then the teacher asked who never do the tutorial questions, since i only did one question, and didnt do the rest, i raised up my hand...see i am so honest...oh crap...
that's all folks, and now i just remember that i need to do my french ICA up..gee.. it is frenchie time and i just had french fries......
"Je m'appelle beatrice. Je suis etudientte. J'ai age 18 ans. J'etudie accountancy et finance a nanyang polytechnic. J'adore chocolat et KFC. J'aime aussi LJS. J'habit a sengkang et suis singapourien."
honestly, i dont even know what am i typing...
alone wif the stars above @ 8:19 pmanyway, a quick posting and i am back to slacking, trying to figure out what is wrong with my computer that it took so long to load up the programs that i want these few days..until now i cant find the answer. just had cost accounting ICA today, and shit it, it is so bloody difficult and i REALLY never study at all..i was reading the notes on the way to school for god's sake... and i left out one lecture notes, hell, i didnt even know that it was tested, but anyway, all the ICAs are over and now i have to concentrate on the business finance project, business law project, ICT project...but thats all for the projects..
i need to start studying for the exams during the holidays, especially i did n0t pay attention during the lectures and failed to do the tutorial questions unless i am the one presenting. for example, like yesterday, i totally forgot that i need to present the business finance tutorial here i went to school, last minute worrying about the answer that i have obtained, but thank god that it was correct..then the teacher asked who never do the tutorial questions, since i only did one question, and didnt do the rest, i raised up my hand...see i am so honest...oh crap...
that's all folks, and now i just remember that i need to do my french ICA up..gee.. it is frenchie time and i just had french fries......
"Je m'appelle beatrice. Je suis etudientte. J'ai age 18 ans. J'etudie accountancy et finance a nanyang polytechnic. J'adore chocolat et KFC. J'aime aussi LJS. J'habit a sengkang et suis singapourien."
honestly, i dont even know what am i typing...
Friday, November 24, 2006
been doing a few of tests found in the internet, but unfortunately i cant copy it, so i will just type it out together with the link
Test: How lazy are you?
Analysis: "You are tempted easily. You are not very lazy. When you first start a diet, you would try very hard. But once there is a temptation, you would give up gradually. Even when you are only 2-3kg away from your target weight, you might feel depressed all the sudden, and give up everything. Therefore, you must remember to be patient when there are temptations."
damn true le, i really get tempted easily..haha
Psychological Test: Your Weight Lost Program
Analysis: "You will lose weight smartly. Determination level 50%. YOu have fair determination. Hardly you can stay focus on one thing. You will shift from one thing to another. Even on weight control, you are the same! If there new thing come up, you will jump to try it. However, before any effect has shown, you will already give up."
also damn true. i give up easily.
Test: What Kind of Man suits you the best
Analysis: "Type D: A bad boy that you can enjoy. You are often attracted by the evil side of mankind. Men that are a little sad and abit evil attract you that most. It is actually hard for you to find simple happiness, because at the end, only bad boys can satisfy all your needs. You even feel excited if you were mis-treated or abused in a relationship. Because then you feel like the main character of a tragedy. You should look for men that are handsome and abit on the bad-boy side."
true?!? oh the hell it is true!! it is so untrue!!!!! i dont want to be abused and mistreated, do i?
Test: Gift Wrapping Test (The wrapping of the gift represents how you control your feelings.)
Analysis: "60% moody. You are very emotional, and cannot control yourself. Especially when you are striked with something sad, you are more sensitive than every and would response more than others. Once you encounter some hardship, you would think of yourself as the main character of a tragic story, and allow yourself to fall into the saddest mood. Also, when you are mad, you would also become very sad. Ever a small fight can make you cry non-stop. You make others feel that it is impossible to predict what you think."
damn true again. but i dont cry, i payback.
Test: How about getting married?
Analysis: "Marriage is meaningless thing to you. Although you want to get married somehow, you dont want to be controlled. You prefer keeping some distance from your husband or boyfriend, because you want to avoid modifying your own lifestyle to accomodate his needs. You would like to keep your freedom and privacy. This can also minimize chances of divorce. But make sure you are open-minded and wont easily get jealous."
hmm...quite true..i dont want to be controlled....
Test: Speculative Fiction Psychological Test (How low you think of yourself subconsciously)
Analysis: "You feel low about your taste. You feel you dont have a high-class taste, especially it comes to fashion. When you pick an outfit, you always dont think anything is good enough, and end up picking something ugly and out-of-time. Even though everyone else may not think so, when it comes to art or fashion, you dont have much confidence at all. In order to conquer this, you must learn from a person who is good at these things. If you spend the time to learn, you can be good too."
hmm..darned true...
Test: What is your Power to create romance?
Analysis: "Your power to create romance is okay. But this power is suppressed due to your passive personality. Luckily, you are very good at getting people's attention and care. It is not hard for you to get a good and caring boyfriend. However, you should be aware that people might get jealous at you."
well, abit of truths and false in there.
alone wif the stars above @ 9:06 amTest: How lazy are you?
Analysis: "You are tempted easily. You are not very lazy. When you first start a diet, you would try very hard. But once there is a temptation, you would give up gradually. Even when you are only 2-3kg away from your target weight, you might feel depressed all the sudden, and give up everything. Therefore, you must remember to be patient when there are temptations."
damn true le, i really get tempted easily..haha
Psychological Test: Your Weight Lost Program
Analysis: "You will lose weight smartly. Determination level 50%. YOu have fair determination. Hardly you can stay focus on one thing. You will shift from one thing to another. Even on weight control, you are the same! If there new thing come up, you will jump to try it. However, before any effect has shown, you will already give up."
also damn true. i give up easily.
Test: What Kind of Man suits you the best
Analysis: "Type D: A bad boy that you can enjoy. You are often attracted by the evil side of mankind. Men that are a little sad and abit evil attract you that most. It is actually hard for you to find simple happiness, because at the end, only bad boys can satisfy all your needs. You even feel excited if you were mis-treated or abused in a relationship. Because then you feel like the main character of a tragedy. You should look for men that are handsome and abit on the bad-boy side."
true?!? oh the hell it is true!! it is so untrue!!!!! i dont want to be abused and mistreated, do i?
Test: Gift Wrapping Test (The wrapping of the gift represents how you control your feelings.)
Analysis: "60% moody. You are very emotional, and cannot control yourself. Especially when you are striked with something sad, you are more sensitive than every and would response more than others. Once you encounter some hardship, you would think of yourself as the main character of a tragic story, and allow yourself to fall into the saddest mood. Also, when you are mad, you would also become very sad. Ever a small fight can make you cry non-stop. You make others feel that it is impossible to predict what you think."
damn true again. but i dont cry, i payback.
Test: How about getting married?
Analysis: "Marriage is meaningless thing to you. Although you want to get married somehow, you dont want to be controlled. You prefer keeping some distance from your husband or boyfriend, because you want to avoid modifying your own lifestyle to accomodate his needs. You would like to keep your freedom and privacy. This can also minimize chances of divorce. But make sure you are open-minded and wont easily get jealous."
hmm...quite true..i dont want to be controlled....
Test: Speculative Fiction Psychological Test (How low you think of yourself subconsciously)
Analysis: "You feel low about your taste. You feel you dont have a high-class taste, especially it comes to fashion. When you pick an outfit, you always dont think anything is good enough, and end up picking something ugly and out-of-time. Even though everyone else may not think so, when it comes to art or fashion, you dont have much confidence at all. In order to conquer this, you must learn from a person who is good at these things. If you spend the time to learn, you can be good too."
hmm..darned true...
Test: What is your Power to create romance?
Analysis: "Your power to create romance is okay. But this power is suppressed due to your passive personality. Luckily, you are very good at getting people's attention and care. It is not hard for you to get a good and caring boyfriend. However, you should be aware that people might get jealous at you."
well, abit of truths and false in there.
yippie! just a quick update...
right now waiting for the lecture to end and for the tutorial to start. went to watch Casino Royale is quite nice, exciting, i love the part when they gamble and also abit darned sad at the end...but i shall not spoilt it for those who havent watch this movie yet...
going off again,
alone wif the stars above @ 8:34 amright now waiting for the lecture to end and for the tutorial to start. went to watch Casino Royale is quite nice, exciting, i love the part when they gamble and also abit darned sad at the end...but i shall not spoilt it for those who havent watch this movie yet...
going off again,
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
*another updates*
hmmm, feeling super bored so another updates before i go study my business accounting and start on my french class assignment (describe a celebrity and write out an interview dialogue, and also introduce yourself, of coz everything had to be in french) there will be more and more busy days up ahead and strangely, that fact doesnt affect me at all. maybe in the face of an extremely tight deadlines will i feel the effect.
my Industrial Placement Programme will be from somewhere in February to somewhere in April. same with them. wonder will i be in the same company as them? of coz the them is not them. it is just some people other than them. oh great i am confusing myself. back to track. hope i can get into those administrative area where i can apply what i have learnt, but seriously i doubted so. i will most likely go into a sales line, coz i really cant imagine myself in those administrative line.
after IPP will be school again, no long holidays for me i guess. so sad, but lucky it is going to be my last year. after which is a long holiday i think before getting the diploma.. of coz providing that i can pass the last year, otherwise repeat the year again. hmm.. after diploma would be registering for local universities, hopefully SMU coz it is so near to the town area..hehe..then everyday can go shopping or go bras basah and i really want to take double in other than the original major, you get to choose another one in the 2nd year, which means you get to graduate with two degrees. naturally, the grades in the first year must be damn good..of coz unless i can get in..their GPA cut-off point was so bloody high for 2006 graduates, i think at that point the GPA cut-off point was at least 3.3, with certain conditions that you have to pass the interview and your CCA must be good. but to get into their accounting stream, you have to get at least B3 for your secondary school additional mathematics and the GPA cut-off point is much much more more higher than 3.3. then SATs score would also be of advantage if you want to get into the school but not necessary. hmm, i think my year is going to be worse... will be attending the seminar in december 2006, so when i get back, i will talk more about it. if i really cant get into SMU, then i will try SIM or other universities..but worse come to worse, if all cannot go in, then i will work full-time and study part-time. good idea..i love the idea of being stress there something wrong with me??
alone wif the stars above @ 6:22 pmhmmm, feeling super bored so another updates before i go study my business accounting and start on my french class assignment (describe a celebrity and write out an interview dialogue, and also introduce yourself, of coz everything had to be in french) there will be more and more busy days up ahead and strangely, that fact doesnt affect me at all. maybe in the face of an extremely tight deadlines will i feel the effect.
my Industrial Placement Programme will be from somewhere in February to somewhere in April. same with them. wonder will i be in the same company as them? of coz the them is not them. it is just some people other than them. oh great i am confusing myself. back to track. hope i can get into those administrative area where i can apply what i have learnt, but seriously i doubted so. i will most likely go into a sales line, coz i really cant imagine myself in those administrative line.
after IPP will be school again, no long holidays for me i guess. so sad, but lucky it is going to be my last year. after which is a long holiday i think before getting the diploma.. of coz providing that i can pass the last year, otherwise repeat the year again. hmm.. after diploma would be registering for local universities, hopefully SMU coz it is so near to the town area..hehe..then everyday can go shopping or go bras basah and i really want to take double in other than the original major, you get to choose another one in the 2nd year, which means you get to graduate with two degrees. naturally, the grades in the first year must be damn good..of coz unless i can get in..their GPA cut-off point was so bloody high for 2006 graduates, i think at that point the GPA cut-off point was at least 3.3, with certain conditions that you have to pass the interview and your CCA must be good. but to get into their accounting stream, you have to get at least B3 for your secondary school additional mathematics and the GPA cut-off point is much much more more higher than 3.3. then SATs score would also be of advantage if you want to get into the school but not necessary. hmm, i think my year is going to be worse... will be attending the seminar in december 2006, so when i get back, i will talk more about it. if i really cant get into SMU, then i will try SIM or other universities..but worse come to worse, if all cannot go in, then i will work full-time and study part-time. good idea..i love the idea of being stress there something wrong with me??
a happy entry is today going to be!! i am now thinking of suggesting of having a public holiday for the old folks!!!! why??? well....
name of the holiday: *havent think of it yet*
objectives: to be feel part and important to Singapore. also to plan for my future, when i am going to be one of them. since children got their children's day and youths got their youth day and working adults got their labour day, why not get another public holiday??? good idea...
anyway, back to my happy entry.. christmas is coming sooonnnn..jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the way........
yes, so here i am, asking whether anyone is free on 18th december to 23 december??? lets go out and have an advanced christmas lunch/dinner???? i cant go out on the 25th itself as i got work...yes, and i am going to be darned busy soon. give me some response willya??? hehe...
wishing everyone an advance Joyeux Noelle (merry christmas in french)...
alone wif the stars above @ 6:09 pmname of the holiday: *havent think of it yet*
objectives: to be feel part and important to Singapore. also to plan for my future, when i am going to be one of them. since children got their children's day and youths got their youth day and working adults got their labour day, why not get another public holiday??? good idea...
anyway, back to my happy entry.. christmas is coming sooonnnn..jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the way........
yes, so here i am, asking whether anyone is free on 18th december to 23 december??? lets go out and have an advanced christmas lunch/dinner???? i cant go out on the 25th itself as i got work...yes, and i am going to be darned busy soon. give me some response willya??? hehe...
wishing everyone an advance Joyeux Noelle (merry christmas in french)...
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
yesterday is the cold splash of harsh reality. okay, maybe i am thinking deeper into it than i should but honestly, i beginning to feel that the class bonding is simply not there. everyone goes by their different rules and friends. information about last minute class changes spread among close friends. that is the saddest that have hit me. i dont know why only i, and two other classmates dont have a single inkling that the class is rescheduled. well, honestly, the rest of my VERY INFORMATIVE AND BONDING CLASS have already known that the class is rescheduled, but only the three of us dont have a single idea. in the end, i went to the lecture hall and noticed that no one i know was there and the teacher wasnt the business law teacher. and that particular group is having ICA, for god's sake. none of my EVER-INFORMATIVE AND BONDING classmates feel the need to tell me about the change in timing. it was until i asked lizah and lixiang, both of them who are not in my EVER-INFORMATIVE AND BONDING CLASS, thank god for that, and they told me that the class was rescheduled at 10am. i can scream and curse but that doesnt bring back the good times again. seriously, i mentioned before that i LOVE the class, and this is what the class is all about. selfish. seriously ultimately selfish. maybe i am into my self-fish self...and i am discriminating the class...well, i seriously dont care. i dont care much for the class ever since first year and i am not going to care now. you force to me do drastic measures, i will make sure i will do it. i am not going to let this bother me anylonger. and if you happy you message me about the change in class schedule, i will be happy to receive it. if you dont want to message me, well, i will pretend that i will be happy NOT to receive it. i am not going to care about the stupid class bonding and that sorts. i am going to be myself and nothing more. i really hope that the remaining time will pass by very fast, because i am not going to tolerate any more years than i have to, to see them again. of coz, not all are bad, but well, i got nothing much to say. who ask me to be in this class, where it is notorious for its jokers in it.
"exterior looks is not the way to judge a person, you might never know when they stuck a knife into your back when you are not looking", quoted by an angry and pissed btht
alone wif the stars above @ 9:20 am"exterior looks is not the way to judge a person, you might never know when they stuck a knife into your back when you are not looking", quoted by an angry and pissed btht
Monday, November 20, 2006
waiting for this blog to load before i can type and by the time it loads, half an hour has already passed. gee. being feeling abit peeved these few days. mad at most of the people and disappointed fill up the skies. i am so disappointed that i was being forced to make drastic measures and moves. anyway, thanks everyone for being there for me. i am greatly touched. was watching the ai qing mo fa shi borrowed from lixiang in loan of my goong. damn nice sia...i love the song and i am still not at all touched by that ya si aka artz (ming dao), i still prefer er qi aka richie....aaaa..i love the songs as well, especially the tian mi de yue ding.haha will try to update more later..hehe..5 more minutes to break and i really need the washroom!!!!!!!!!urgh!!!!
*more updates*
yes, now waiting for the finance class to start. it is such a bored day and i feel real sleepy, planning to go library later quite hungry, should i go buy sandwiches?? feel like eating teriyaki chicken sandwich though. this week got business finance and business accounting ICAs. hope i can manage to get the mood and study... next week will be cost accounting...sounds so dreadful especially i did not pay attention during the lectures and tutorials coz i am totally lost. anyway freezing in the lab and got to go off....
"silence the best medicine", quoted by btht.
alone wif the stars above @ 11:57 am*more updates*
yes, now waiting for the finance class to start. it is such a bored day and i feel real sleepy, planning to go library later quite hungry, should i go buy sandwiches?? feel like eating teriyaki chicken sandwich though. this week got business finance and business accounting ICAs. hope i can manage to get the mood and study... next week will be cost accounting...sounds so dreadful especially i did not pay attention during the lectures and tutorials coz i am totally lost. anyway freezing in the lab and got to go off....
"silence the best medicine", quoted by btht.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
We both know that I shouldn't be here
This is wrong
And baby it's killing me, it's killing you
Both of us tryin' to be strong
I've got somewhere else to be
Promises to keepS
omeone else who loves me
And trusts me fast asleep
I've made up my mind
There is no turning back
She's been good to me
And she deserves better than that
It's the hardest thing
I'll ever have to do
To look you in the eye
And tell you I don't love you
It's the hardest thing
I'll ever have to lie
To show no emotion
When you start to cry
I can't let you see
What you mean to me
When my hands are tied
And my heart's not free
We're not meant to be
It's the hardest thing
I'll ever have to do
To turn around and walk away
Pretending I don't love you
I know that we'll meet again
Fate has a place
So you can get on with your life
I've got to be cruel to be kind
Like Dr. Zhivago
All my love I'll be sending
And you will never know
'Cause there can be no happy ending
Maybe another time, another day
As much as I want to, I can't stay
I've made up my mind
There is no turning back
She's been good to me
And she deserves better than that
alone wif the stars above @ 5:53 pmThis is wrong
And baby it's killing me, it's killing you
Both of us tryin' to be strong
I've got somewhere else to be
Promises to keepS
omeone else who loves me
And trusts me fast asleep
I've made up my mind
There is no turning back
She's been good to me
And she deserves better than that
It's the hardest thing
I'll ever have to do
To look you in the eye
And tell you I don't love you
It's the hardest thing
I'll ever have to lie
To show no emotion
When you start to cry
I can't let you see
What you mean to me
When my hands are tied
And my heart's not free
We're not meant to be
It's the hardest thing
I'll ever have to do
To turn around and walk away
Pretending I don't love you
I know that we'll meet again
Fate has a place
So you can get on with your life
I've got to be cruel to be kind
Like Dr. Zhivago
All my love I'll be sending
And you will never know
'Cause there can be no happy ending
Maybe another time, another day
As much as I want to, I can't stay
I've made up my mind
There is no turning back
She's been good to me
And she deserves better than that
[Kian:]Goodbye to you my trusted friend We've known each other since we were nine or ten Together we've climbed hills and trees Learned of love and ABC's Skinned our hearts and skinned our knees
[Bryan:]Goodbye my friend it's hard to die When all the birds are singing in the sky Now that spring is in the air Pretty girls are everywhere Think of me and I'll be there
[All:]We had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sun But the hills that we climbed were just seasons out of time
[Shane:]Goodbye Papa please pray for me I was the black sheep of the family You tried to teach me right from wrong Too much wine and too much song Wonder how I got along
[Mark:]Goodbye papa it's hard to die When all the birds are singing in the sky Now that the spring is in the air Little children everywhere When you see them I'll be there
[All:]We had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sun But the wine and the song like the seasons have all gone We had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sun But the wine and the song like the seasons have all gone
[Nicky:]Goodbye Michelle my little one You gave me love and helped me find the sun And every time that I was down You would always come around And get my feet back on the ground
[Shane:]Goodbye Michelle it's hard to die When all the birds are singing in the sky Now that the spring is in the airWith the flowers everywhere I wish that we could both be there
[All:]We had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sun But the hills that we climbed were just seasons out of time We had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sun But the wine and the song like the seasons have all gone We had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sun But the hills that we climbed were just seasons out of time We had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sun But the wine and the song like the seasons have all gone
was listening to this song when i opened the presents. thanks everyone for your effort and well wishes. i really appreciate it. the most unique and extraordinary present would be from lina and siew giok!!!! lina!!! siew giok!!! what makes you get those as a present?? i was like ohmygod!!!!!! damn unique and out of expectation!!!! COOL!!!! thanks alot gurls. it really mean alot to me. of course my thanks to lixiang and lizah..lizah sorry har, i will give you a belated one ok?? lizah is also the birthday gurl and yet she still gives me one..makes me so ashamed of myself..oopss. sorry lizah!! lixiang, i really feel touched by your letter, dont worry, i will remember you always!!!!!happy birthday to everyone out there who turns 18 today!!!!! gained a year of knowledge, gained a year of maturity, gained a year of laughter and tears, gained a year of living. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! THIS IS THE BEST BIRTHDAY THAT I EVER HAD!!! THANKS FOR BEING THERE FOR ME!!! LOVE YOU GURLS SO MUCH!!!! TAKE CARE EVERYONE!!! MEET UP SOMETIMES!!!!
alone wif the stars above @ 5:06 pm[Bryan:]Goodbye my friend it's hard to die When all the birds are singing in the sky Now that spring is in the air Pretty girls are everywhere Think of me and I'll be there
[All:]We had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sun But the hills that we climbed were just seasons out of time
[Shane:]Goodbye Papa please pray for me I was the black sheep of the family You tried to teach me right from wrong Too much wine and too much song Wonder how I got along
[Mark:]Goodbye papa it's hard to die When all the birds are singing in the sky Now that the spring is in the air Little children everywhere When you see them I'll be there
[All:]We had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sun But the wine and the song like the seasons have all gone We had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sun But the wine and the song like the seasons have all gone
[Nicky:]Goodbye Michelle my little one You gave me love and helped me find the sun And every time that I was down You would always come around And get my feet back on the ground
[Shane:]Goodbye Michelle it's hard to die When all the birds are singing in the sky Now that the spring is in the airWith the flowers everywhere I wish that we could both be there
[All:]We had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sun But the hills that we climbed were just seasons out of time We had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sun But the wine and the song like the seasons have all gone We had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sun But the hills that we climbed were just seasons out of time We had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sun But the wine and the song like the seasons have all gone
was listening to this song when i opened the presents. thanks everyone for your effort and well wishes. i really appreciate it. the most unique and extraordinary present would be from lina and siew giok!!!! lina!!! siew giok!!! what makes you get those as a present?? i was like ohmygod!!!!!! damn unique and out of expectation!!!! COOL!!!! thanks alot gurls. it really mean alot to me. of course my thanks to lixiang and lizah..lizah sorry har, i will give you a belated one ok?? lizah is also the birthday gurl and yet she still gives me one..makes me so ashamed of myself..oopss. sorry lizah!! lixiang, i really feel touched by your letter, dont worry, i will remember you always!!!!!happy birthday to everyone out there who turns 18 today!!!!! gained a year of knowledge, gained a year of maturity, gained a year of laughter and tears, gained a year of living. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! THIS IS THE BEST BIRTHDAY THAT I EVER HAD!!! THANKS FOR BEING THERE FOR ME!!! LOVE YOU GURLS SO MUCH!!!! TAKE CARE EVERYONE!!! MEET UP SOMETIMES!!!!
wishing myself and all who was born on november 15 1988, including lizah and all, a very happy 18th birthday!!! thanks everyone for their well-wishes and presents!!! love it and thanks!!!!!! *tears of happiness falling out of my eyes*
skipping today's business finance lecture to go to free access lab and slack and blog...yes, the most entry for the day, with all the quizzes...later still have make up business accounting tutorial...awww.... but anyway, today is really a special day.. going off to marina bay at night for steamboat together with my family, my bro's gf and maybe lee anne.. speaking of food, i am getting so hungry right stomach growling already!! Urgh! nevermind. *ignore my stomach's growls*
gtg soon, wont say much. hopefully can update more tomorrow!!! URGH! did i mention that i have to study for taxation ica which is on this coming friday??? helppppp!! and did i mention that the GST has increased to 7%???? URGH!!!
i am not bad-mouthing or slandering the government, but seriously i dont understand the help that the increase in GST offer to the lower-income group. maybe according to the government point of view, the increase in GST will increase the high-income group expenditure and thus dragging the high-income group down to a moderate level, whereas for the low-income group, the difference in tax increase is used to help the low-income group to increase to a moderate level, thus closing the gap between the low-income group and high-income group..but honestly, i think the government forget that everything, every products, every services, contains GST, thus the increase in GST will naturally increase the prices of everything which will definitely affect the low-income group, who will be hit the worst and the most. for with the increase in price, the people from the low-income group will naturally feel less willing to spend and to buy. furthermore, all the considerations for the increase in GST is for the high-income group and low-income group. no thoughts was given to the middle-income group. seriously, if the government wishes to close up the gap, they should increase the income tax, instead of the GST. for the income tax affects the high-income group and some of the middle-income group. GST will definitely affects all Singaporeans which is even worse. but naturally all these are my point of view.
alone wif the stars above @ 10:20 amskipping today's business finance lecture to go to free access lab and slack and blog...yes, the most entry for the day, with all the quizzes...later still have make up business accounting tutorial...awww.... but anyway, today is really a special day.. going off to marina bay at night for steamboat together with my family, my bro's gf and maybe lee anne.. speaking of food, i am getting so hungry right stomach growling already!! Urgh! nevermind. *ignore my stomach's growls*
gtg soon, wont say much. hopefully can update more tomorrow!!! URGH! did i mention that i have to study for taxation ica which is on this coming friday??? helppppp!! and did i mention that the GST has increased to 7%???? URGH!!!
i am not bad-mouthing or slandering the government, but seriously i dont understand the help that the increase in GST offer to the lower-income group. maybe according to the government point of view, the increase in GST will increase the high-income group expenditure and thus dragging the high-income group down to a moderate level, whereas for the low-income group, the difference in tax increase is used to help the low-income group to increase to a moderate level, thus closing the gap between the low-income group and high-income group..but honestly, i think the government forget that everything, every products, every services, contains GST, thus the increase in GST will naturally increase the prices of everything which will definitely affect the low-income group, who will be hit the worst and the most. for with the increase in price, the people from the low-income group will naturally feel less willing to spend and to buy. furthermore, all the considerations for the increase in GST is for the high-income group and low-income group. no thoughts was given to the middle-income group. seriously, if the government wishes to close up the gap, they should increase the income tax, instead of the GST. for the income tax affects the high-income group and some of the middle-income group. GST will definitely affects all Singaporeans which is even worse. but naturally all these are my point of view.
Your Learning Style: Curious and Brilliant |
![]() You are a very abstract learner. You can grasp even the most complex theories. You Should Study: Astronomy Biology Chemistry Computer Science Linguistics Mathematics Philosophy Physics Psychology |
Your German Name is: |
![]() |
Your French Name is: |
![]() |
Your Scholastic Strength Is Developing Ideas |
![]() You can take a spark of inspiration and turn it into a full fledged concept. You are talented at brainstorming, visualizing, organizing, and independent thinking. You should major in: Natural sciences Computer science Creative writing Math Architecture Journalism |
Your Birthdate: November 15 |
![]() You take life as it is, and you find happiness in a variety of things. You tend to be close to family and friends. But it's hard to get into your inner circle. Making the little things wonderful is important to you, and you probably have an inviting home. You seek harmony with others, but occasionally you have a very stubborn streak. Your strength: Your intense optimism Your weakness: You shy away from exploring your talents Your power color: Jade Your power symbol: Flower Your power month: June |
alone wif the stars above @ 9:56 amYour 1920's Name is: |
![]() |
You Belong in 1963 |
If you scored... 1950 - 1959: You're fun loving, romantic, and more than a little innocent. See you at the drive in! 1960 - 1969: You are a free spirit with a huge heart. Love, peace, and happiness rule - oh, and drugs too. 1970 - 1979: Bold and brash, you take life by the horns. Whether you're partying or protesting, you give it your all! 1980 - 1989: Wild, over the top, and just a little bit cheesy. You're colorful at night - and successful during the day. 1990 - 1999: With you anything goes! You're grunge one day, ghetto fabulous the next. It's all good! |
Your Personality Is |
You are sensible, down to earth, and goal oriented. Bottom line, you are good at playing by the rules. You tend to be dominant - and you are a natural leader. You are interested in rules and order. Morals are important to you. A hard worker, you give your all at whatever you do. You're very serious, and people often tell you to lighten up. In love, you tend to take things carefully and slowly. At work, you are suited to almost any career - but you excel in leadership positions. With others, you tend to be polite and formal. As far as looks go, you are traditionally attractive. You take good care of yourself. On weekends, you tend to like to do organized activities. In fact, you often organize them! |
You Are A Chestnut Tree |
![]() You are a born diplomat with a well developed sense of justice. And even though you're impressive and intimidating, you're also fun to be around. You can be irritated easily, and you sometimes act superior. Nevertheless, you are sensitive of others feelings and very loyal. Sometimes you feel misunderstood and are fiercely close to those who know you best. |
Your Inner European is French! |
![]() Smart and sophisticated. You have the best of everything - at least, *you* think so. |
You Are a Purple Flower |
![]() A purple flower tends to represent success, grace, and elegance. At times, you are faithful like a violet. And other times, you represent luxury, like a wisteria. And more than you wish, you find yourself heartbroken like a lilac. |
Your Weight is Ideal |
![]() Your BMI is 21.3 - a healthy BMI falls between 18.5 and 25 Congratulations, you are the perfect weight for your height. Even though you may not be entirely happy with your weight, you are healthy. So gain or lose a few pounds if you want, but don't go too crazy! Don't agree? Blame the government standards we based this test on! |
alone wif the stars above @ 9:37 am
You Have Your Sarcastic Moments |
![]() While you're not sarcastic at all times, you definitely have a cynical edge. In your opinion, not all people are annoying. Some are dead! And although you do have your genuine moments, you can't help getting your zingers in. Some people might be a little hurt by your sarcasm, but it's more likely they think you're hilarious. |
Your Pride Quotient: 48% |
![]() You have your proud moments, but you're also likely to be a little ashamed of them. Don't be too hard on yourself. It's normal to want to make a stellar impression. |
You Should Rule Saturn |
![]() Saturn is a mysterious planet that can rarely be seen with the naked eye. You are perfect to rule Saturn because like its rings, you don't always follow the rules of nature. And like Saturn, to really be able to understand you, someone delve beyond your appearance. You are not an easy person to befriend. However, once you enter a friendship, you'll be a friend for life. You think slowly but deeply. You only gain great understanding after a situation has past. |
Your Heart Is Red |
![]() You're a passionate lover - you always have a huge fire in your heart. Too bad it's hard for you to be passionate about just one person! Your flirting style: Outgoing and sexy Your lucky first date: Drinks and dancing Your dream lover: Is both stable and intense What you bring to relationships: Honesty |
Your Social Anxiety Level: 48% |
![]() You have moderate social anxiety. It's possible that you have a serious social anxiety problem. But it's also likely that you can help yourself, by getting out more and trying new, scary activities. No one's secretly judging you. So be yourself, and if you screw up, just laugh. |
Your Wrath Quotient: 49% |
![]() Ouch! You've got a bit of a temper going on there, don't you? Just make sure to keep your revenge fantasies just that... fantasies only! |
You Are 50% Psychic |
![]() You are pretty psychic. While you aren't Miss Cleo, you've got a little ESP going on. And although you're sometimes off on your predictions... You're more often right than wrong So go with your instincts - you know more than you think |
Your Career Type: Conventional |
![]() You are orderly and good at following a set plan. Your talents lie in working with written records and numbers in a systematic, orderly way. You would make an excellent: Bank Teller - Bookkeeper - Court Clerk Mail Carrier - Post Office Clerk - Secretary Timekeeper - Title Examiner - Typist The worst career options for your are artistic careers, like comedian or dancer. |
What Your Soul Really Looks Like |
![]() You are a warm hearted and open minded person. It's easy for you to forgive and forget. You are a very grounded, responsible, and realistic person. People may not want to hear the truth from you, but they're going to get it. You believe that people see you as larger than life and important. While this is true, they also think you're a bit full of yourself. Your near future is still unknown, and a little scary. You'll get through wild times - and you'll textually enjoy it. For you, falling in love is all about the adventure and uncertainty. You can only fall in love with someone who keeps you guessing. |
alone wif the stars above @ 9:17 am
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
*blogging right now*
just had my Business Law ICA1... guess what.. i think it is freaking easy that i am getting the shivers of failing the test... honestly, i was planning to study yesterday but i dont have the time coz last minute changes and went to visit my grandmother instead.
by the time i reached home yesterday, it was about 10 plus and i was already so freaking i just read my storybooks. just when i was about to close my eyes and sleep, kim yuen messaged me to ask me whether i know how to do the cost accounting tutorial question...wah..actually i was tempted to just reply with a i-dont-know but i will find out the answer the next day, which i usually do manage to find the answers. but i, being a KIND soul, go look at my notes and messaged back what i know...
today, when i reached school at about 7 plus in the morning, i began to do the business finance tutorial 3 or is it 4, anyway coz the teacher said she want to check, after doing business finance which is from 7 plus, until around 10am...have to do during the ICT lecture, but heckcare, i dont even listen to that IT stuff....
after that, went to French class, and start doing the cost accounting. damn difficult the question is, and i was like calculating and erasing the answers..until i finally get a much better and more likely answer...phew..but guess what? that question is to be presented next week!!!
oh crap..but anyway after getting the answers, i go study my business law during my lunch break. think i going to go on a diet..coz i going to skip my lunch coz not enough money..sad case...
YES!!! a good news i heard yesterday after an astonishing news.
ASTONISHING NEWS: my attendance is not perfect 100% free of absentism. just because of a stupid NE. i was like cursing and screaming and grumbling to lizah, my dear friend who later informed me that her friend told her that the teacher said the attendance system COCKED UP!!! what the hell..make me so angry and frustrated...geee...
GOOD NEWS: actually it the attendance system cocked up and thus, my attendance is back to 100% absentism free
"try your hands at everything and gain more experience", quoted by btht.
alone wif the stars above @ 7:04 pmjust had my Business Law ICA1... guess what.. i think it is freaking easy that i am getting the shivers of failing the test... honestly, i was planning to study yesterday but i dont have the time coz last minute changes and went to visit my grandmother instead.
by the time i reached home yesterday, it was about 10 plus and i was already so freaking i just read my storybooks. just when i was about to close my eyes and sleep, kim yuen messaged me to ask me whether i know how to do the cost accounting tutorial question...wah..actually i was tempted to just reply with a i-dont-know but i will find out the answer the next day, which i usually do manage to find the answers. but i, being a KIND soul, go look at my notes and messaged back what i know...
today, when i reached school at about 7 plus in the morning, i began to do the business finance tutorial 3 or is it 4, anyway coz the teacher said she want to check, after doing business finance which is from 7 plus, until around 10am...have to do during the ICT lecture, but heckcare, i dont even listen to that IT stuff....
after that, went to French class, and start doing the cost accounting. damn difficult the question is, and i was like calculating and erasing the answers..until i finally get a much better and more likely answer...phew..but guess what? that question is to be presented next week!!!
oh crap..but anyway after getting the answers, i go study my business law during my lunch break. think i going to go on a diet..coz i going to skip my lunch coz not enough money..sad case...
YES!!! a good news i heard yesterday after an astonishing news.
ASTONISHING NEWS: my attendance is not perfect 100% free of absentism. just because of a stupid NE. i was like cursing and screaming and grumbling to lizah, my dear friend who later informed me that her friend told her that the teacher said the attendance system COCKED UP!!! what the hell..make me so angry and frustrated...geee...
GOOD NEWS: actually it the attendance system cocked up and thus, my attendance is back to 100% absentism free
"try your hands at everything and gain more experience", quoted by btht.
Monday, November 13, 2006
cherryups! dont ask me how i come by the words, but guess what cherryups means?? actually in accordance to my dictionary, it means be happy always. yes, it is the new btht language which i am inventing!!
All my sorrows seem so far away,
Now they look as though they're here to stay,
Oh i believe in yesterday......
love the song, keep singing it these days......but i change the lyrics according to my mood...ask anyone who knows me, i keep singing that song for dont know what reason...
Yes!!!!! done with my ICT presentation!!! so happy!!*cherryups*but i think i sound abit nervous and panicky and sooooo unprepared........
right now, waiting for the business finance tutorial to start...or wait a moment, is it lab??? i not very sure, since the teacher loves to change the schedule..... need to prepare for tomorrow's business law ICA..... geez...
business accounting tutorial postponed to thursday!! oh crap!!! thursday!!! 12 to 2pm...why the teacher want to put it on thursday???? weiqi!!!! how???
my schedule is packed up this week..hehe..with the icas and something BIG happening..haha..need to go get a scheduler.....
losing my voice once again, hmmm...what else should i crap??
some suggestions???
hey why no one tag my board??? it like so DDDDEEEAAAADDDD here...the isolated cemetry....with all the dead entries...with occasional visitors reporting....haha....just joking....
so many quotes already, seriously i dont know where i come across the is just there wandering around like air in my brain...haha..for more qoutes stay tuned....will be moooorrreee.
anyway, christmas is coming soon, real soon in fact...and next will be new year resolution? havent thought of it. but think i going to aim for better time management as one of my new year resolution and also more money..... i very practical lor.
there is one person who ask me one question: "why you dont want get a bf?" guess what is my answer?
Me: "coz right now, i want to concentrate on my studies, then concentrate on earning more money, then concentrate on better accomodation, THEN concentrate on my career. so having a bf is damn troublesome and time-wasting and emotional-wasting and also energy-wasting. so might as well put those wastes to a better purpose in life."
the person then reply me: "why are you so-----" lost of words. but nevermind i supplied the words to him, "practical?"
the person, "yes, practical."
Me: "well, being practical is good." honestly, i dont care for those, what you called it, intense emotions...coz i deem it as a trouble and will make me unable to concentrate on my practical plans unless the guy is also a practical and realistic like me. all the better. then he can pardon me for all my practical-ness...~but i am still so into Chad....hahahahaha..talking of conflicts...
alone wif the stars above @ 12:37 pmcherryups! dont ask me how i come by the words, but guess what cherryups means?? actually in accordance to my dictionary, it means be happy always. yes, it is the new btht language which i am inventing!!
All my sorrows seem so far away,
Now they look as though they're here to stay,
Oh i believe in yesterday......
love the song, keep singing it these days......but i change the lyrics according to my mood...ask anyone who knows me, i keep singing that song for dont know what reason...
Yes!!!!! done with my ICT presentation!!! so happy!!*cherryups*but i think i sound abit nervous and panicky and sooooo unprepared........
right now, waiting for the business finance tutorial to start...or wait a moment, is it lab??? i not very sure, since the teacher loves to change the schedule..... need to prepare for tomorrow's business law ICA..... geez...
business accounting tutorial postponed to thursday!! oh crap!!! thursday!!! 12 to 2pm...why the teacher want to put it on thursday???? weiqi!!!! how???
my schedule is packed up this week..hehe..with the icas and something BIG happening..haha..need to go get a scheduler.....
losing my voice once again, hmmm...what else should i crap??
some suggestions???
hey why no one tag my board??? it like so DDDDEEEAAAADDDD here...the isolated cemetry....with all the dead entries...with occasional visitors reporting....haha....just joking....
so many quotes already, seriously i dont know where i come across the is just there wandering around like air in my brain...haha..for more qoutes stay tuned....will be moooorrreee.
anyway, christmas is coming soon, real soon in fact...and next will be new year resolution? havent thought of it. but think i going to aim for better time management as one of my new year resolution and also more money..... i very practical lor.
there is one person who ask me one question: "why you dont want get a bf?" guess what is my answer?
Me: "coz right now, i want to concentrate on my studies, then concentrate on earning more money, then concentrate on better accomodation, THEN concentrate on my career. so having a bf is damn troublesome and time-wasting and emotional-wasting and also energy-wasting. so might as well put those wastes to a better purpose in life."
the person then reply me: "why are you so-----" lost of words. but nevermind i supplied the words to him, "practical?"
the person, "yes, practical."
Me: "well, being practical is good." honestly, i dont care for those, what you called it, intense emotions...coz i deem it as a trouble and will make me unable to concentrate on my practical plans unless the guy is also a practical and realistic like me. all the better. then he can pardon me for all my practical-ness...~but i am still so into Chad....hahahahaha..talking of conflicts...
"the bestest thing on earth is what you think is the worst", quoted by btht.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
salut! je m'apelle beatrice. j'ai dix-sept age (a accent circonflex-g-e). je suis singapourienne. je suis etudiante (e accent aigu-t-u-d-i-a-n-t-e).j'abite a (a accent grave) SengKang.
been attending french class in school the past few weeks and yesterday the teacher gave us spelling. but guess the astonishing part for the spelling, the teacher spelt out the alphabets in french and all we had to do is know the 26 french alphabets and the different signs like the accent aigu and accent grave etc. lucky. but i think i did quite badly because i messed up the alphabets.. but i know the signs... phew, it is a no-marks spelling and just only affects the class participation.
the spelling list consists of : cacahuete(peanut), chateau(castle, of course there is an accent circonflex for the c-h-a accent circonflex-t-e-a-u) i am sorry to say but i am unable to type the signs out, so it is a bit confusing. 00pppsss
there are huit (french for eight) but i forget the rest...hmm..when i remember or get my french book with me, i type it out here okay?
learned the numbers as well. yes, finally learned the numers after so many hours spent learning the words....
i think i only know how to spell, but dont know how to pronounce.. haha sad case for me.
anyway, do help me out with the pronounciation if you know the language well. hehe.
right now blogging in school in the free access lab waiting for the business finance lecture to be over. yes, obviously i skipped the lecture and had to wait for my group members to attend finish the lecture. haha, group project later for an hour or so then go home. i cant be bothered to attend the lectures these days, especially i am already lost in the beginning. so right now, must study damn hard for the ICAs and the exams. ICAs for taxation and business law is next law is all about memorising the concepts and know roughly the past cases that is involved. but taxation is the wores....can someone just murder me??? need to know how to calculate the taxes for individuals, taxes deriving from the personal benefits provided by the companies, and also whether the individual income taxable based on the terrritorial concept....gee, all so chim one...somemore next also got presentation on monday and hope that the powerpoint will be rushed out asap...but i think everyone is going to stress out again..haiz..i absolutely hate last minute work but no choice..coz i really dont know anything about internet..yes, did i forget to mention that the presentation on next monday is on Information and Communications Technology??? ahha...yes sounds chim again....
oh my god! this is the longest entry that i have ever type!!!! must applaud ok? haha, hoping to watch Material Girls and the Covenant next week, but i really need to save so i dont think i will be going out after next week. ooooo
ta-da! that's all folks!
upon conclusion, here is the quote of the day: "never let failure strikes you down" by btht.
alone wif the stars above @ 9:32 ambeen attending french class in school the past few weeks and yesterday the teacher gave us spelling. but guess the astonishing part for the spelling, the teacher spelt out the alphabets in french and all we had to do is know the 26 french alphabets and the different signs like the accent aigu and accent grave etc. lucky. but i think i did quite badly because i messed up the alphabets.. but i know the signs... phew, it is a no-marks spelling and just only affects the class participation.
the spelling list consists of : cacahuete(peanut), chateau(castle, of course there is an accent circonflex for the c-h-a accent circonflex-t-e-a-u) i am sorry to say but i am unable to type the signs out, so it is a bit confusing. 00pppsss
there are huit (french for eight) but i forget the rest...hmm..when i remember or get my french book with me, i type it out here okay?
learned the numbers as well. yes, finally learned the numers after so many hours spent learning the words....
i think i only know how to spell, but dont know how to pronounce.. haha sad case for me.
anyway, do help me out with the pronounciation if you know the language well. hehe.
right now blogging in school in the free access lab waiting for the business finance lecture to be over. yes, obviously i skipped the lecture and had to wait for my group members to attend finish the lecture. haha, group project later for an hour or so then go home. i cant be bothered to attend the lectures these days, especially i am already lost in the beginning. so right now, must study damn hard for the ICAs and the exams. ICAs for taxation and business law is next law is all about memorising the concepts and know roughly the past cases that is involved. but taxation is the wores....can someone just murder me??? need to know how to calculate the taxes for individuals, taxes deriving from the personal benefits provided by the companies, and also whether the individual income taxable based on the terrritorial concept....gee, all so chim one...somemore next also got presentation on monday and hope that the powerpoint will be rushed out asap...but i think everyone is going to stress out again..haiz..i absolutely hate last minute work but no choice..coz i really dont know anything about internet..yes, did i forget to mention that the presentation on next monday is on Information and Communications Technology??? ahha...yes sounds chim again....
oh my god! this is the longest entry that i have ever type!!!! must applaud ok? haha, hoping to watch Material Girls and the Covenant next week, but i really need to save so i dont think i will be going out after next week. ooooo
ta-da! that's all folks!
upon conclusion, here is the quote of the day: "never let failure strikes you down" by btht.
Monday, November 06, 2006
okay, now waiting for the business finance class to start, and hope i manage to publish it before the teacher comes in and makes me close my computer screen. anyway, back to yesterday, which is a sunday. a normal typical day when i have to go for work. on that particular day, the funniest thing happens. a man was walking into the store and approached me, the staff there. back to the story.
Man walked into the store: excuse me, do you sell men's socks?
Me: yes, please follow me
of course i dont say like that, but the gist is there.
at the socks counter,
Me: we have unisex socks.....
Man (interrupted me): No, i DONT want unisex socks, i want MEN"S SOCKS! (in that sissy voice of his)
okay, i was like fine, dont have to snap at me, as i showed him the Wilson's MENS' socks
one look at the price,
Man: WAH SIAO! 20 bucks for a pair of socks!
i was like ok, relax..then i showed him another range of men's socks.
Man: NO!! i dont want short socks. i WANT long socks.
almost to the point of irritation, i looked around and searched for HIS IDEAL SOCKS, which he suddenly said, "okay, dont bother to look anymore girl. if you are looking, this means that you dont have. thanks anyway." with that he walked away. wat the hell!!!!
okay, thats all for now while i cooled off...that stupid idiotic person!! aaaa!!!
"smiles and the day is bright once again", quoted by btht.
alone wif the stars above @ 1:06 pmMan walked into the store: excuse me, do you sell men's socks?
Me: yes, please follow me
of course i dont say like that, but the gist is there.
at the socks counter,
Me: we have unisex socks.....
Man (interrupted me): No, i DONT want unisex socks, i want MEN"S SOCKS! (in that sissy voice of his)
okay, i was like fine, dont have to snap at me, as i showed him the Wilson's MENS' socks
one look at the price,
Man: WAH SIAO! 20 bucks for a pair of socks!
i was like ok, relax..then i showed him another range of men's socks.
Man: NO!! i dont want short socks. i WANT long socks.
almost to the point of irritation, i looked around and searched for HIS IDEAL SOCKS, which he suddenly said, "okay, dont bother to look anymore girl. if you are looking, this means that you dont have. thanks anyway." with that he walked away. wat the hell!!!!
okay, thats all for now while i cooled off...that stupid idiotic person!! aaaa!!!
"smiles and the day is bright once again", quoted by btht.
Friday, November 03, 2006
today is the day! yesh! movie date with lina and lizah...cant wait! anyway, now at the school's free access lab waiting for lina to find me and lizah to finish her class. though lina seems to disappear...gee.. feeling very sick these few days and tomorrow still need to work. need to sigh...anyway so bored today..... want to close my eyes and sleep off the remaining days. gee. will update more on monday or wednesday... it's movie time!!!!!!
"laugh and look back on how funny life is" quoted by btht
alone wif the stars above @ 12:11 pm"laugh and look back on how funny life is" quoted by btht
Thursday, November 02, 2006
source name of november:
Latin novem, "nine" meaning the nineth month of the earliest Roman calendar.
ok, today feeling abit moody though, after i realised one astonishing fact: no one is always what they seem. well, trusting someone is hard when that person lie to you. but thanks for lying to to me, so that the harsh reality of life slapped me out of my daydreams. there arrives my conclusion. since getting new friends and keeping friendships is such a bother, i think i going to revert to my normal self, when i had been quiet and ahem hardworking since kindergarden. so from this day, i swear that i am going to study damn hard, pursue my hobbies which is reading and watching movies and daydreaming and writting stories. see, it is such a good way to spend time instead of being angry with friends and getting all hurt in the process and also avoid tarnishing my blog with words of anger and sadness. so, that is my motto for live.
"living up life to its fullest and never looking back", quoted by btht.
alone wif the stars above @ 9:24 pmLatin novem, "nine" meaning the nineth month of the earliest Roman calendar.
ok, today feeling abit moody though, after i realised one astonishing fact: no one is always what they seem. well, trusting someone is hard when that person lie to you. but thanks for lying to to me, so that the harsh reality of life slapped me out of my daydreams. there arrives my conclusion. since getting new friends and keeping friendships is such a bother, i think i going to revert to my normal self, when i had been quiet and ahem hardworking since kindergarden. so from this day, i swear that i am going to study damn hard, pursue my hobbies which is reading and watching movies and daydreaming and writting stories. see, it is such a good way to spend time instead of being angry with friends and getting all hurt in the process and also avoid tarnishing my blog with words of anger and sadness. so, that is my motto for live.
"living up life to its fullest and never looking back", quoted by btht.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
yes! another update! i must be mad! went out with wingyan after Biz law tutorial yesterday and had mine LJS and hers Subway meal. we are totally mad enough to eat the same old meals daily. i repeat the fact, IT IS DAILY!!! though the first few days i keep eating KFC...the end result of eating fast food everyday is extreme sore throat. so guess i will most probably stay at home for the remaining of the week except FRIDAY!! the movie-day... today end school at 12nn and am blogging in school right now. ya.. blogging in school. we were talking about courses that are not available in singapore and my dreams and hers. but i realise one thing, i got a lot of dreams for myself. so i dont think i will get my dreams into a reality. so sad. makes me feel sad...hope to get into a local university when graduate, but if cant, i still die die must go into any university. so long it is quite affordable and got the courses i want.
feeling low these few days with the irritating sore throat.
"life is just a superficial world to live in, if you want to believe in what you see" quoted by btht.
alone wif the stars above @ 1:43 pmfeeling low these few days with the irritating sore throat.
"life is just a superficial world to live in, if you want to believe in what you see" quoted by btht.
haha anyway looking forward to this friday, though everyone seems to be un-free that day, but at least lizah (and hopefully lina) is free, then can go watch Dead or Alive. dont backout on me now, lizah....otherwise i will be "heart-broken"....hehe.
some action-packed show, though i desperately want to watch the Convenant and Material Girls... so bored with nothing to do, someone please save me from this boring existence. ok, will be updating real soon, but let me recount one very funny moment....or notz.
the keywords to the mystery of that funny moment is "thumbdrive", "chips and dale", and someone's name and the "limitation of singapore space". it has something to do with bumping into a person, not exactly physically or, almost like the person's belongings...a puzzle to be solve. but that person who understands the keywords should know what i am talking about.
Anyway, i realise one important thing but until i get the inspiration to say it or maybe until i graduate, maybe until then i would say it out loud but definitely not now....
"sooner or later everthing is going to change and nothing is the same as the past or today" quoted by btht
alone wif the stars above @ 1:00 pmsome action-packed show, though i desperately want to watch the Convenant and Material Girls... so bored with nothing to do, someone please save me from this boring existence. ok, will be updating real soon, but let me recount one very funny moment....or notz.
the keywords to the mystery of that funny moment is "thumbdrive", "chips and dale", and someone's name and the "limitation of singapore space". it has something to do with bumping into a person, not exactly physically or, almost like the person's belongings...a puzzle to be solve. but that person who understands the keywords should know what i am talking about.
Anyway, i realise one important thing but until i get the inspiration to say it or maybe until i graduate, maybe until then i would say it out loud but definitely not now....
"sooner or later everthing is going to change and nothing is the same as the past or today" quoted by btht